Hello all! Welcome back to this blog.
I have been working on some creative projects, and trying to find a better way to plan this year’s writing efforts, as I’ve been sharing with you on the previous blog post…
One of the Creative Projects I have been working on is this Plan Your Creative Year Workbook for 2023, that you can download for free here…[No dropbox account is needed]
Usually, around this time of the year I do some planning of the year ahead. Gathering some creative projects to work on, in the first months of the new year, and trying to envision what the big picture for the year can be, while I expand on these projects throughout the year and for the following years as well.
All of these plans are flexible enough to allow changes.
And what does this mean? I plan some creative endeavours and I leave space to introduce new one’s during the year. Which I usually do anyway so I might as well leave space for them.
I keep checking in with my initial plans and its iterations, sometimes on a weekly basis. And this year I’ll be using this Workbook to do it.
I will be upfront with you: not all check in’s are productive. Sometimes, I keep analysing if I was on track only to find out that I wasn’t. Not really. Not if I want to make a significant improvement on my creative practices… but this is another subject altogether.
But these efforts are indeed repeated periodically, as I try to expand for longer spreads of time. Formulating SMART Goals is hard and sometimes fear set’s in and tries to overcome all my efforts.
So, this year I created something, a small Workbook with some work tools for planning my creative projects in 2023.
As I have written in the Creative Contents Page:
In accordance with my Annual Word for 2023 [EMPOWER] I figured I should share with you this workbook. To empower is also to promote better practices for others, not just myself, so I’ll be true to my annual choice of word.
This is my New Year’s gift to you: the Plan You Creative Year Workbook for 2023.
I hope you find the Plan Your Creative Year Workbook for 2023 useful and leave a comment if you do… or don’t, and what I can improve upon.
Again, this is the link for the free download… [No dropbox account is needed to download it] Enjoy!
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Bye and Keep writing! 