Writing update and a Camp NaNo redirection

camp nano

So… let’s talk about writing. Last time I posted, I was kind of working out some possibilities for my first Camp NaNo.

Even though it was nearly July, and I had a surgery scheduled, and two weeks vacation planned, and absolutely no respect for my need to rest… Camp NaNo was a given in my To Do List.

You can read more about this here…

I started planning, or better yet replanning, the chosen writing project, intending to write a third draft. All the preparatory tasks were being dealt with, and I was confident that I could expect a productive month of writing.

I am a fool!

With a surgery scheduled for the last day of June, in a non-mentionable body part, and… I got rendered useless a few days after the cut and cauterize procedure.

I wasn’t able to sit, stand, or to lay in any other position than on my sides, and in so much pain that got my head scrambling for relief… and there goes my best writing intentions out the window.

While the painkillers were working their magic, I felt kind of okay, and the first three days of July saw a 4942 word count. But then I had to stop some of the medication, and the pain intensified.

Puffy face at my first sitting attempt…

What changed in this writing project?

The biggest novelty in ‘The Shapeshifters’ was… I started the third draft in English!!!

Believe me, this is huge!

I did wrote the first two drafts in Portuguese, but suddenly, as I opened a new google doc, I got swayed into the english language.

I kept assuaging myself saying “It’s okay” or “I can change it later” or “What the heck am I doing???”, but decided to push through my doubts.

Camp NaNo also saw the birth of new scenes and a promise to rewrite the entirety of the scene plan. There’s still so much work to do in this story. I wasn’t pleased with some of it, and I will use these twists and turns to rewrite it, in a somewhat better manner. 

Finally, I thought ‘The Shapeshifters’ needed a new cover image. I designed two possibilities and put them to the public vote, on Instagram @saragfarinha.

And this was the winner! Love it!

the shapeshifters

Meanwhile, I have been released from Surgery Consultations and am feeling quite recovered… and back to writing.

I need to go back to the drawing board and write a new plan for this story. There are some changes that I want to make regarding characters and story line. I’ve noticed that I designed a lot of backstory but failed to put it to good use. 

Characters backstory, connections and past traumas are important and need to be carefully embedded in the story. How could I write a story with 79341 words and not put enough density is beyond me.

I’m always careful about not overdoing on what might be considered the boring stuff, an excess of whatever isn’t required. But it seems I trimmed it too much, leaving out even the important story details.

I’m looking forward to getting back to this manuscript and put my english to good use.

Have you done Camp NaNo in July? How did your project faired? What other distractions interfered in your writings?


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Bye and see you soon.

Camp NaNoWriMo: who’s in?

Camp NaNo

First, some context on my first Camp NaNo participation. I know I must be deranged to consider this because…

I’m having a minor surgery tomorrow. Minor in size, but massive in pains, or so I was told.

I have decided to launch this blog today. It’s kind of missing some bits and bobs but… it is what it is! I am not waiting around for the unforeseen problem, which will show itself more speedily, if I go live right now.

And I’m waiting for a few stuff to evolve, on the personal side. And it’s summer and almost vacations time, so…

Camp NaNo it is!

camp nano
Shouldn’t the reminder be in front of me?!

For some years that I have been subscribing a few (okay! not a few but some) blogs and websites, and yesterday I read something from Robin Sharma that got me thinking on lost time.

Do you know Robin Sharma’s work?

Yes, take it with a grain of salt, but I try looking at it as if I could achieve a more perfect mindset anyhow.

So, it was a list containing ‘The 49 Laws of Monumental Leadership’. And in that massive list of items, what did catch my eye?

N.15 They (leaders) are extremely physically fit because weak health is a massive vulnerability. – Robin Sharma

I agree. And I wish I’d convinced myself of this sooner.

Don’t get me wrong, I know there are tons of other valuable insights on this list but, as I am facing some health hardships for the last hand full of years, and I do know that I was never a disciplined, or even interested, fitness geek this sounded so very true… after all we are supposed to be our own life leaders.

A corporate desk job AND a writer’s desk job has been my perfect storm. And then I added some more stuff. So, now I’m invested in starting slow, but starting nevertheless.

And I started by taking care of issues that I must do something about… and do it fast. So, an operation it is, to avoid more pains throughout all of my foreseeable future.

I know that accumulating is never good. We tend to fill our plates with too much, and then get very upset when we can’t do it all properly.


Except if we are talking about accumulating with Camp NaNo. In this case I am in!!

I figured I needed a boost on my writing, as well as a distracting activity from the rest of the ongoing suff.

I have a story to construct further, and I need this incentive to get back to the construction board, and keep writing.

About Camp NaNo Project

I’ve started this first draft, called ‘The Shapeshifters’ on #the100dayproject in 2021. Continued with my second draft on NaNoWriMo of 2021. And now I’m hoping July’s Camp NaNo will help me get through an icky kind of third draft.

You see, I have focused too much on the main story, and didn’t pay due much attention to a good placement of subplots , or the evolving characters that surrounded my hero.

Even my main character is kind of lost in all that, and needing my help to get things sorted out.

So I plan to do that on Camp, and maybe I will be able to rewrite the entire book, or who know’s, start the second book of this series in November.

Ah!!! it’s so nice to dream!

I do not know how it’ll go. But I will try all of this out. Can I master more physical pain?!? I don’t know!!! LOL

But I sure as hell will have to try!

So… are you doing Camp NaNo? On what project will you be working on? Do you find health issues distracting from your writing?


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Bye and see you soon.

To start or not to start a writer’s blog… going full-on English mode

sara farinha writer

Hello world! Welcome to my new blog. 

My new writing blog.

I have been pondering about starting another blog for a really long time. Now seemed a good choice.

I’m a Portuguese writer, with a few published works, in paper and online, and have been blogging, more or less frequently, for the last fifteen years (my other blog).

On blog.sarafarinha.com I focus mostly on themes related with discovering our Creativity, Pursuing an Artistic Life, Readings and other Writing related themes… the How to’s and How many’s articles about the writing craft, are usually the one’s with more traction with my readers.

I also write in a poetry blog, full of poetry for poets, called Ser Poeta, that I have been maintaining for a few years.

How did I got to writer.sarafarinha.com?

I have always been an enthusiastic for the english language.

I started learning English by myself (at six years old) at the same time I started Portuguese formal teachings, in a time when English wasn’t part of the curricula until the fifth year of public school.

Sometimes I pretend I can get away with publishing english written articles on my Portuguese platform, which is fine, but not something that I think I should do.

My readers have found me online because I wrote in Portuguese, it wouldn’t be nice to switch things just because I fancied it.

Another thing that bugged me was that I kind of avoided talking about my personal writing efforts.

I was supposed to be sharing my writing journey, I have stated that much in a lot of articles through the years. But I found myself engrossed in helping others find their way around writing basics, and finding creativity, and allow ourselves to do our crafts without judgements… and usually didn’t share much about my personal efforts towards my writing craft.

I didn’t want to make it all about me and my writings. So I focused on helping the community, on writing about useful stuff and availing most of my sources (books, articles, documentaries, and referencing other creative people in all kinds of different but creative journey’s).

Allowing myself to write about writing

As for my writing journey, I was convinced people wouldn’t be interested in THAT!!!

And, it would be lame to share my own difficulties in pursuing this craft… in Portugal, and writing in Portuguese, in a so closed off market, striving to put my efforts and time into such a difficult area, in this tiny sea bathed country… it kind of seemed like whining to me.

Now I think it’s time to start talking with an english speaking world.

Stop denying my english writing practices, and give something for all to read. And it’s definitely time to talk about my writings and the writing craft, which is just my cup of coffee (sorry, not a tea person over here).

I really wanted to start a blog where I could post my english writings, and that it would be fully devoted to the writing craft, by sharing my own journey and related issues.

I feel stoked to be here, writing this first article, and putting it out in the world… and a bit scared. Anyway…

And this is how writer.sarafarinha.com came to be…

I will write about:

  • writing experiences
  • daily challenges I encounter on this path
  • different writing projects
  • favorite genres
  • personal choices
  • editing and revising
  • markets specificities
  • self-published and tradicional publishing
  • writing career
  • all sorts of writing related themes

I hope you keep me company on this writing journey, which is my life’s chosen path.

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Bye and see you soon.